this was actually leagues funnier than most of these other videos. Good going.
this was actually leagues funnier than most of these other videos. Good going.
all that time spent
and not a thing has changed. Really, Sirkowski?
Your animation is lackluster and repetitive; the mouth movement is so half-done and you hired popular voice actors that, frankly, are the types that overdo their lines and make shit seem completely unfunny. The plot for this one is insipid even by your standards, and most of the time, the viewpoints and angles were awkward and hard-pressed to be more inviting.
Also, I love seeing the same foot-to-head shot of the same character like every time they say anything.
What's sad is that this will get daily first, probably even a weekly award. But who am I to complain? I'm not a fan, and these sorts of things run entirely on fanbase power to begin with.
reminds me too damn much of Scott Pilgrim though. Is O'Malley an inspiration or something to you?
But that's a nagging back-of-the-head rant. It was decent, could do with a little more liveliness and the mouths were a little off at some points, but it's fine as is.
Although I see why you see similarities, ive had this style for a very long time.
I noticed that for some folks the animation lags and becomes out of sync, but im not sure if I can do anything about that.
wow, you give up or something?
I'm amazed that everyone is just voting 10 saying "it's bad, but I like it," completely invalidating the point of giving it a 10 to begin with.
So basically, you take an old joke, beat it dry, and then try to excuse your lackluster delivery by saying you WANT it to be bad? What does this say about your ethics? What happened? Did that Spazkid parody get to you or something? You shouldn't lower the quality of your work just because someone called you out on something. Why didn't Mickey say he hates video games? Or did I miss it in all the CONFIRMED FOR BRAWL repeats?
It's an obnoxious form of humor you're attempting, and it's too damn dated to even be sarcastically funny. It's almost like you wanted everyone to hate this since it's referencing something you hate, kinda like doing something you can't stand to prove how stupid it is, but not only is the humor lost on the piss-poor delivery, but you're making this for a bunch of kids to begin with.
Maybe I'm giving too much credit. Maybe you really DO think it's funny, and only put THIS IS STUPID at the beginning to try and throw everyone off in case they don't like it. Hell, I can almost see that THIS IS STUPID disclaimer fitting perfectly into any other flash you'll do, regardless of quality, solely for the purpose of throwing everyone off.
It's like you're baiting all the viewers with pseudo-intellectual ideals just for the sake of looking like you know shit when you don't know what you're doing.
bluh, put more effort into this
Well the animation was solid some of the time, but for the most part it was shoddy and seemed bizarre at some parts. For example, why did the blue thing never look fully at the camera? He'd flip from one side to the other without any regard to transition. The jokes and deliveries make me feel as if I've regressed into 2003; it's really all a bunch of dated slapstick humor that has no real effect in today's internet culture. The voices were nasally and annoying, with no real depth behind them, and the whole effort seems juvenile, even by Newgrounds standards.
Now, I'm not saying it should be A MATURE FLASH FOR MATURE VIEWERS SUCH AS MYSELF, but maybe you could do with a different approach. Everything here seems like it was done by some unfunny little kid on newgrounds back in 2004.
Hey, I never really did notice that when he flipped around it shoulda showed a front shot..I remember when I was doing that scene I was thinking how my friend would go about that and I guess I got a little too caught up in his way of thinking and didn't think logically....and yeah I kinda get your thing on the I said in the credits I wrote it back in 2008! And yeah my humor has really progressed since then.
Can't tell if troll
But I can read pretty fast. So you asked him to send you $400 for Adobe Flash, AND HE RESPONDS SARCASTICALLY?
says one of spazkid's troll buddies
negative review
just some Kris Wilson wannabe shit. I don't really have anything good to say about this.
It seems to me you want to do something somewhat off-the-wall offensive, but it just stammers to a halt after doing anything vaguely off-kilter.
I don't know, I just didn't like it.
A collab full of half-assery
Seriously, it's KIRBY. It's not hard to draw or anything, it's just a circle, yet somehow nobody in this collab could give a simple sphere shape enough of an impact to be even somewhat enjoyable.
Thing that pisses me off is, none of these as singular submissions would ever get anywhere, but since they're meshed in with one or two half-decent flashes, everyone 10-bombs it for having at lease one thing that isn't utter trash.
Go ahead and remove this comment, but I'm telling you now that it doesn't take much skill to make shoddy jokes with spherical tweened characters splattered everywhere.
Dude, have you SEEN all the negative comments we're getting?
sounds like someone's starting to pull a JohnnyUtah and draw his shit out for way too long to get to the actual jokes.
Outside of that, I enjoyed it, no complaints.
Pick up some of that fat crack from Tijuana with a brick on the pedal because god fucking dammit I got an urge to purge motherFUCKER JANK-ASS SKEEZE, AW SHIT WHERE'D THE COFFIN GET OFF TO
Age 34, Male
squid gynaecologist
HXC Academy
Joined on 5/14/10